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Magazine information:


Author & Creator: Evelyne Toromanian

Format: Digital for better reading preferred tablet or computer

Editing : Fall 2021

Title: Putting art back at the heart of your ecosystem

Language: French

Pages: 70 pages


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Putting Art back at the heart of its ecosystem


This issue is for multi-talented Artists, who may feel a bit lost with all their talents. I paint, I sing, I dance, I write, I play...I also guide artists to express themselves through multiple arts...Sometimes, I put art in the background...Business in foreground...I feel it's time to put art back at the heart of my ecosystem and to create a business that encompasses all of my multi-talents, both my arts and my living processes by the arts, the voice and the body. You are both a Creative Leader and an Artist.


Does this resonate with you? Do you want to experience this reversal and put art back at the heart of your finally live your true life as an artist? This issue offers you some keys and inspirations...


What if art was enough to transform itself, to create the future that we want to see born in the world? A first issue, where I receive at my microphone artists and eclectic personalities who have one thing in common, a love for art and people.

Marie Ayala , with whom we discuss the importance of recognizing oneself, of choosing oneself as a mentor and where the term of the goldsmith of being is deposited,

Mai Lan Ripoche who invites us to dance with what is and shares with us her encounter, with the Inner Dance,

Anne Sarkissian with whom we approach the creation of her signature film, like a real rite of passage that brings together all her talents,

Jean François Vézina who makes us travel in the space time of the necessary hazards, allowing us to discover, his pearls, his ecosystem of author,

Margaux Frizon who shares with us her trajectory as an artist, the intimate Powerful artist mentorship that we experienced together, which  enabled her to take her place as Artist and Creative Leader, in particular by the birth of her second online summit "Artist Ô feminine".

A magazine rich in the process of transformation...

  • An invitation to a retreat in silence to move forward in your projects...
  • A highlight of his workshop.
  • A bubble to connect to your dreams of artists buried in you and paint them!
  • A special dossier on body art or body painting , as a voice of expression, to manifest one's future,
  • A special file on the inner voice, and how singing makes us alive and certainly more vibrant!
  • A special Art, Sex and Money file, level up, a ritual to connect to the power of creation, to pass to your next level of power as an artist...
  • and art, songs, poetry, works that transform us, news from my creative laboratory, with the discovery in preview, of my poetic watercolors! Beauty at work...


The magazine is a real transmission from artist to artist. A rich magazine of 70 pages and more than 7 hours of podcasts to live your true life as an artist.

Leaf through the first pages, and if its energy calls you, treat yourself to it or give it to an artist you love!

Magazine Digital Powerful Artist N°1

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    Enfin, nous respectons qui vous êtes ainsi que votre investissement financier, nous sommes aussi conscients des mécanismes inconscients qui peuvent surgir suite à un achat. Veuillez être écologique avec votre porte monnaie, votre énergie, votre santé, en investissant, sans vous mettre en danger financièrement.

© 2020-2030 Evelyne Toromanian - any reproduction of texts, images, concepts... is prohibited without the written consent of the Artist

Retraite créative pour transformer sa sexualité féminine

I love chatting over coffee or virtual creative tea. What if we connect, to let each other feel, if we are made for each other? a date what? Then, the right form will take shape, whether it is around a work of art, a collaboration, mentoring to bring your creative project to life or a creative team building! Short term or long term, it will be up to US to co-create it! It's up to you !

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