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The 3-month cycle live series to :

Create your oracle deck and impact the world

Passionate about oracles since always, as far as you can remember, there has always been an oracle to guide you to express what you feel deep inside, to ask a question and receive a new percepective & guidance, or to connect  to a specific energy fields that supports you, in what you want to create in your life, your art, your business / career, your relationships, your intimicy...


You've always dreamed of it, "holding my oracle deck in my hands"...not just any oracle deck, the oracle that you would have designed. The one that would hold the vibration, the message and the creative expression that you feel inside of you. There is a whole universe that exists inside of you that is ready to come into fruction, into the world. There is an oracle deck within you that is ready to be born...


You may have had this desire and this vision of bringing your oracle into the world for months, years. You see yourself doing it for too long...To always postpone it. A kind of feeling stuck in your creative process. Or even, not to give you permission to go there. Here it is different. You feel that something new is trying to birth and you feel the call to bring this oracle from conception to the realization.


Except that you don't know where to start, what is the first step to take, your vision could be a little cloudy and there are fears about allowing yourself to be FULLY EXPRESSED as creative conscious creator... Perfect. You've come to the right  need both structure and inspiration, the necessary magical potion for the alchemy to work to bring your creative project into life.


Welcome to our 3-month cycle "Create your oracle deck and impact the world", a unique creative process that guides you from dream to reality, from conception to the realization of your oracle deck.

Lors de la Retraite Powerful Artist vous serez guidé à vivre un processus créatif vous permettant de créer votre Art Business Book 2024.


Une approche singulière qui utilise l’écriture, la création intuitive et le collage au service de votre Business. Un outil innovant pour vos prises de décisions, pour poser les questions brulantes du moment, à la page, au niveau de votre Art tout comme de votre Business ET en recevoir un éclairage, pour impulser vos actions.


Un processus inversé qui vous permet non plus de chercher des réponses à vos questions auprès d’un business mentor créatif mais véritablement de devenir votre propre business mentor créatif.


C’est ainsi une invitation à créer votre carnet de bord de votre Business pour l’année 2024.


Ensemble, nous allons ainsi nous laisser recevoir pour 2024 :

  • Une nouvelle vision pour votre Art et votre Business,

  • Un éco-système financier aligné à votre identité profonde et vos désirs d’Artiste & d’Entrepreneur Créatif,

  • Le grand projet créatif 2024 que vous désirez mettre au monde,

  • Une structure créative, vivante et ludique qui va vous permettre de créer un multi-revenu avec votre écosystème d’Artiste et d’Entrepreneur créatif tout en respectant votre écologie personnelle et votre énergie de vie,

  • Un alignement à un nouveau pallier de revenus financiers,


Si en 2024, vous désirez pouvoir activer de nouveaux leviers de croissance pour votre Art et votre Business ?


Alors, nous avons RDV les 20, 21 et 22 décembre de 18h à 20h pour notre Retraite Créative Business Art Powerful Artist.


Il est plus que temps de créer un éco-système d'artiste et d'entrepreneur créatif, multi-revenus ! On y va ensemble ?

Cream and Green Simple Good Morning Quotes Linkedin Post(3).png

I intimately believe that if what we are looking for outside does not exist, it is because we have to create it... What oracle are you looking for outside, that you cannot find and that you have to create? ? Let's co-create it together...


  • Are you one of those people who take action by following their intuition? Take advantage of our introductory price of €2,200 instead of €3,300 until December 31, 2022?


  • This process is a collective creative process, if you need private and tailor-made support for your project, I invite you to consider joining our exquisite Powerful Artist private mentoring, which offers another range of supports. Our collective sessions are lived in micro-collective allowing you to benefit from both the depth of the individual and the amplification of the collective.


  • TOP departure of this 2023 cohort on January 4, 2023 at 6 p.m. (Central Europe Time)! yeah! are you in ?


  • Click on the image to register using our online store or send a private message to Evelyne for payment by bank transfer


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