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The 3-month cycle live series to :

Create your oracle deck and impact the world

Passionate about oracles since always, as far as you can remember, there has always been an oracle to guide you to express what you feel deep inside, to ask a question and receive a new percepective & guidance, or to connect  to a specific energy fields that supports you, in what you want to create in your life, your art, your business / career, your relationships, your intimicy...


You've always dreamed of it, "holding my oracle deck in my hands"...not just any oracle deck, the oracle that you would have designed. The one that would hold the vibration, the message and the creative expression that you feel inside of you. There is a whole universe that exists inside of you that is ready to come into fruction, into the world. There is an oracle deck within you that is ready to be born...


You may have had this desire and this vision of bringing your oracle into the world for months, years. You see yourself doing it for too long...To always postpone it. A kind of feeling stuck in your creative process. Or even, not to give you permission to go there. Here it is different. You feel that something new is trying to birth and you feel the call to bring this oracle from conception to the realization.


Except that you don't know where to start, what is the first step to take, your vision could be a little cloudy and there are fears about allowing yourself to be FULLY EXPRESSED as creative conscious creator... Perfect. You've come to the right  need both structure and inspiration, the necessary magical potion for the alchemy to work to bring your creative project into life.


Welcome to our 3-month cycle "Create your oracle deck and impact the world", a unique creative process that guides you from dream to reality, from conception to the realization of your oracle deck.

Together for 3 months, we will create your oracle, clarify its vision, its editorial line, its audience, its vocation. You will during our 3 months process :

  • Receive the creative universe of your oracle deck,


  • Receive the unique messages & creative guidance for each cards,


  • Meet your game, your rules, its unique vibration,


  • Grow a step further your intuitive potential, your inner guidance, your visionary abilities and even your PLEASURE !


  • Write your booklet in the flow and in a total bliss !


  • Attract a publisher who is in accordance with your values and the essence of your oracle or choose to start first as an oracle deck self-publisher...


  • Become the receptacle of new energies and vibrations that will support the blossoming of your oracle and your personal transformation!


Le cycle Peindre & Méditer sur notre thématique : Plaisirs et Légèreté !




Il est si facile de se laisser glisser dans la routine mortelle du quotidien, son couple, son business/carrière, son art, ses relations. C'est tout le temps la même chose, la même chanson qui tourne en boucle, les mêmes plats, le même champs d'expériences, les mêmes conversations avec parfois des protagonistes différents. Intérieurement, c'est le mortifère qui s'installe alors qu'il y a un appel profonds à se laisser surprendre par la vie.


Ne plus contrôler. Ne plus planifier. Ni anticiper. Juste se laisser traverser. Votre vie n'est pas un projet. Votre vie est à célébrer.


Ensemble pendant ces 21 jours, nous plongerons amoureusement dans les espaces de conscience qui vous ennui afin d'y amener plus de plaisirs et de légèreté. Tout y passe...votre sexualité, votre expression, votre relation à l'argent, votre business/carrière, votre famille, vos relations...parfois, un domaine en particulier s'exprime avant notre atelier, pour attirer notre attention. Il sera ainsi une matière à peindre ! Lorsqu'on le peint, on exprime les émotions et les énergies qui nous empêchent de voir out of the box. Le processus créatif se révèle ainsi une mine d'or pour s'ouvrir à de nouvelles perspectives, un changement à 360 degrès : Un shift orgasmique !


Une exploration artistique, intérieure et sensorielle différente qui vous invite à vous FAIRE PLAISIR et qui FAIT DU BIEN !


Si vous pouviez mettre le plaisir et la légèreté au coeur de votre vie, de vos relations, de votre couple, de votre business/carrière/argent, qu'est-ce que cela pourrait créer dans votre réalité ?


Et si nous le peignons ensemble pour lui donner vie !







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I intimately believe that if what we are looking for outside does not exist, it is because we have to create it... What oracle are you looking for outside, that you cannot find and that you have to create? ? Let's co-create it together...


  • Are you one of those people who take action by following their intuition? Take advantage of our introductory price of €2,200 instead of €3,300 until December 31, 2022?


  • This process is a collective creative process, if you need private and tailor-made support for your project, I invite you to consider joining our exquisite Powerful Artist private mentoring, which offers another range of supports. Our collective sessions are lived in micro-collective allowing you to benefit from both the depth of the individual and the amplification of the collective.


  • TOP departure of this 2023 cohort on January 4, 2023 at 6 p.m. (Central Europe Time)! yeah! are you in ?


  • Click on the image to register using our online store or send a private message to Evelyne for payment by bank transfer


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